I can't believe 2010 is almost over. This time last year I was probably working or about to get off work then head out with Mr.JC. I don't know why but I have bad vibes that 2011 might be a crappy year for me but lets just hope it ain't.
Fab] Ah, I really don't think sales is my thing but gotta deal with it for now. Atleast everyone at work is uber nice/helpful and the clients are really nice as well. The downside, trying to "sell" a product(making it sound like such a cool product) and getting the client to buy it is the worst for me....I'm suck at bs-ing.
Trip] O.m.g, I cannot wait!!! First time with MR. JC and two other couples which I'm really excited about. The funniest thing is that Mr. JC wanted it to be just the two of us going which shocked me because he always wants to do stuff with friends. None the less, I am sooooo happy. We're both saved up for the trip and just waiting as the near year rolls around.
car] my car is so beat up and it got into its first rear ending accident last week. People should really be careful when they drive....
saving money] this is something I have got to do.....gotta budget and only use money on things I really need.
exercise] this is the second thing I need to concentrate on.
On a happy note, a position that I applied for in the GOV sent me an email letting me know that I passed the testing!! WAHHHH!! SOOOOOO happpy!!! I honestly thought it was a failure notice but nooooooooooooope!!!! I will get results by mail and I guess an interview will be held later??hm?