Sunday, May 30, 2010

Trying to re-live the good times..

Wishing I could go back there...really.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Love Love Love...

Oh Punta I miss thee!!

I just came back from a one week trip in the Dominican Republic and it was fun fun fun!! I can't wait till I go back next year. I'm going to try to aim to go on one trip a year so that means spending less crap here which is a good thing.

I stayed at the Vik Hotel Arena Blanca and it was not bad. I think the animation crew made it very fun for the girls and I. I miss the crew already. I don't know when I will see them again but I wish them all the the best of luck.

Anyways, going to be back at work and going to try to be less stressed as much to possible bcuz some people just ain't worth it.