Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh why why tell me why...ahha

I know its probably something not to fret about but freg man......why am I stuck home on a Saturday night?!?! BCUZ I gotta freaking work early in the morning the next day!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Dream..............

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true

Decision made.
I don't know why it is making me feel all so weird and really....why do I feel all funny?I'm doing something for myself and this is a risk I will take. I am praying for myself and I hope they people I have talked to will pray for me as well lol.

Monday, October 25, 2010

If you're down get back up!

Seems like most of posts lately have been about negative things..I really have to work on that.

Pretty frustrating. The best is not enough but what can top the best? I try but seriously I think the only thing I can do is lift myself back up and smile through all the nonsense.

Work is taking up a lot of my time and I need to focus on school and get into a job/career that I adore. Time will tell but time is also money.

Everything else:

I just made a $100-ish purchase with VS and everything I got was on sale! WOO HOO! Sucks for all the shipping costs though but I figured its still cheaper to buy it online than to buy it here!! I know its funny. It's almost winter but I figured why once wear forever right? haha

I need to go on vacation.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I miss going out!

This job is killing my social life.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do you ....

How do you suppose...........

When I'm busy land he is busy do you find time to hang out with one another?!I'm getting that feeling once again but ya know maybe I am over thinking it too much or maybe he is just so caught up with the stuff in his life and it makes it okay for him to do what he is doing. All I want is him to be able to listen to me and talk to me but he is not there to talk with......

I'm tired. I need a vacation. maybe a new job too.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I can't seem to get Gem Tang's song AINY outta my head.....very interesting song I have to say. I actually watched Mag Lam sing it first until I realized it was Gem who sang it originally. Both good singers!I'm so glad for music.... music is really like therapy for me and it has really helped me get through some ups and downs.

On another note, work is okay I have to say. Lots to do and lots to learn and also a lot of heat from others to take in as well. Although, I guess every job is like that unless you work in the government...haha. I think this will be personal reminder to myself : do not take that person seriously anymore haha there is no point and just move on. Also, I am trying so hard to save money and especially now since this current job is mainly physical work aka sweat and sometimes literally blood money haha and it makes me seriously want to watch my spending habits.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Miracles happen, indeed.

I think my prayers are being heard and I do really do hope that this miracle will happen and it would lead into something long term. Basically to cut the story short, I applied for the contract position about a month ago and yup...I received an email from them this morning and was advised that I passed the first level.

I don't want to jinx myself of any sort but having this would be a great benefit.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh boy.

There are some very rude and un-greatful people in this world. Honestly, what gives people a right to be rude/mean to others? I always wondered what the heck is going on in their brains or they have one at all.

I know that I work in an industry where I will be approached by these types of people. Generally, I never speak bad about someone because I think it's just bad karma or what not. However, its hard not to be slightly affected by their rude actions/words.

I guess instead of stooping down to their level. You just gotta ignore and perhaps make it into a way where you work it to your benefit?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Collision with the mean

Yup, I had my first hand experience what R** really means.

I honestly thought it was taken out of proportion of what actually happened. All I did was do my job and yet still get a yelled at for doing my job. It's kinda BS if you actually think about it. All I did was bring people to their table and leave the desk for one second.

People need a chill pill.

I'm starting to think everywhere I go is the same. Either its the management or the customers. Basically, there are a lot of insensitive/un-greatful people out there and unfortunately we deal with these people.

Maybe I just need a vacation...........real bad.