Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It seems like I have neglected my blog.....I should start up again.


I absolutely hating going to the gym after 4pm....omg, the gym is just PACKED! It is crazy!! Maybe I should stop going to the RS gym and to go HC gym is a farther drive but at least I'm not like waiting forever for weights and what not..

I recently made a purchase at Lululemon but I am still thinking about whether or not I should return my purchase of not. I've wanted this since last year and although it didn't come in the different colors like last year, the style of this Tank is pretty much the same.

It is called the "Let it loose Tank" - it has a loose fitting outer layer with a inner bra to keep you covered and supported from exercising. Costed me a wooping $70ish! I got this in a size 6 but I realized it is a little big bigger so I'm either going to exchange it for a smaller size or just return it. I can't decide!!

In the meantime, life has been good and there is nothing too much to complain about. I just need to work out more. I feel out of shape esp' since I have been sick for 3 weeks..=|(.

Add oil to myself!

I hope you all have a nice day!



Friday, June 3, 2011


There's only so many times you can allow someone to let you down before you can't handle the disappointment anymore. When things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past, it simply means you try to move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up. It means accepting things that weren't meant to be.

There's a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone, trying to fix everything. You got to do what's right for you even if it hurts. I've come to realize that in the end, most people turn out to be the person they swore they'd never become.

[ So cherish the people who stuck around ]*<3